Minor Characters are onscreen-credited figures appearing in Andi Mack without a separate article of their own elsewhere. They are listed here in order of their appearances:
Season 1[]
Coach Reznikoff[]
Coach Rezikoff was the P.E. teacher and track coach at Jefferson Middle School. He recruits Buffy to join the track team, and is impressed by her raw prowess. However, he is disappointed it takes a little longer for her to learn the basic principles of teamwork for the entire squad to succeed.
Coach Reznikoff was played by Lonzo Liggins.
- Cyrus has been known to make use of the Coach's whistles when he is not around.
Mrs. Devlin[]
Mrs. Devlin was the head librarian at Jefferson Middle School. She has been there so long that Bex is surprised that she is still there. She is known for keeping absolute quiet in her library. Andi barely survived with her sanity intact during her library detention period for sleeping in class.
Mrs. Devlin was played by Dee Macaluso.
- Mrs. Devlin bears a striking resemblance to the evil librarian depicted in the horror film Shhh!
Dancing in the Dark[]
Lillian was the neighbor of Celia and Ham Mack. After the female Dr. Goodman has spread the secret true parentage of Andi throughout Shadyside, Lillian decides to needle Celia a bit as she gardens, and is drenched by water with Celia's spray hose until she retreats. The incident convinces Ham to take Celia on a short trip out of town.
Lillian was played by Colleen Baum.
Dad Influence[]
Ms. Dullridge[]
Ms. Dullridge was the Vice Principal of Jefferson Middle School. She once called Buffy to her office because a student claimed her hair was too distracting. Although Buffy did toy with changing her hairstyle, the matter was quietly dropped after the charges proved to be groundless. When Bowie Quinn decided to spend a day getting to know his new found daughter, Vice Principal Dullridge personally escorted him to Andi. After assuring them both that the school was poised to do all it could to help the Mack family through their new familial transitions, she leaves them to get acquainted.
Ms. Dullridge was played by Sarah Kent.
- The character of Ms. Dullridge was first mentioned in It's Not About You.
Were We Ever?[]
Picture Day Photographer[]
The Picture Day Photographer was seen doing his job, taking school photos on the same day the Good Hair Crew stages a protest on the dress code by wearing convict uniforms. This causes Cyrus to be rather stiff at his sitting as he intended to wear a selection from the "James Bond Collection" instead of the prison garb. However, he soon warmed up under Buffy's teasing, and eventually enjoyed himself, and even intruded on Buffy's photo time as well. Ultimately, the school scheduled another photo day.
The Picture Day Photographer was played by David Brown.
Space Otters Photographer[]
The Space Otters Photographer appeared to be in a hurry, as he seemed to resent being saddled with chronicling all the fringe elements of Jefferson Middle School for the yearbook. His attitude annoyed Jonah, but he was more concerned that Andi refused to wear her uniform shirt and chose not to be in the Space Otters photo.
The Space Otters Photographer was played by Tito Livas.
Best Surprise Ever[]
Kip was a student at Grant High and apparently a member of the football and baseball teams. Once, while at The Spoon Diner with a group of friends and Amber and Jonah, he belittled Ultimate Frisbee as not a true sport as real sports like football or baseball did not require an extra word to try to convince people how great they were. Jonah took the jab, but still insisted Ultimate Frisbee was a valid athletic activity.
Kip was played by CJ Strong.
Season 2[]
Chinese New Year[]
Ronald is Andi's second cousin. He visits Celia and Ham's house for Chinese New Year. He is obsessed with magic tricks, and tries some out on Andi and Jonah. One of these tricks is pulling a shark-shaped gummy out of Jonah's ear. Later, he is shown pulling an infinity handkerchief out of his mouth, which displeases Mei.
Ronald was played by Alan Ko.
Friends Like These[]
Coach Purcell[]
Coach Purcell was the basketball coach at Jefferson Middle School. He allows girls to try out for the squad. He ultimately selects Buffy for the team. When Buffy and TJ struggle to co-exist on the team, he tended to ignore it until Buffy called for a timeout during a crucial point in a game.
Coach Purcell was played by Jay Whittaker.
- In his first appearance, he was credited as "Coach Purcel."
- Actor Jay Whittaker is a military veteran in real life, and has said how gratified he was to take part in the episode in which Buffy's mother returned home from overseas duty.
Millie was a neighbor of the Driscolls. When she needs school credit for community service, Buffy decides to see if Millie needs anything done for her, as she is an older lady. Millie is cynical of Buffy's offer and the two discover they share similar temperaments. Millie states that all she really wants is someone to play cards with, as she claims all her family and friends are "long gone". Perhaps feeling a little sorry for the older person, Buffy agrees to play cards. Some hours later, Buffy has yet to taste victory, and Millie is not above constantly needling Buffy with that fact. Buffy states her determination not to leave until she wins one game. However, then she receives a text about Cyrus being in the emergency room. When Millie reminds Buffy of her pledge, she reveals that her friends and family are not dead, but have been driven away by her unrelenting competitive streak. Buffy realizes that she and Millie are quite alike. Before leaving to be with Cyrus, Buffy tells Millie she will be back.
Millie was played by Juliet Mills.
- Millie reveals she and Buffy share the same favorite food, milkshakes and baby taters.
- Juliet Mills is an acclaimed actress, and the older sister of Disney Legend, Hayley Mills, as well as the daughter of additional Disney Legend, the late Sir John Mills.
I Wanna Hold Your Wristband[]
Mr. Plimpton[]
Mr. Plimpton was an English teacher at Jefferson Middle School. On the day the students were separated into "A" and "B" groups, he announces a pop quiz. Mr. Plimpton assigns the "A" pupils a simple connect-the-dots puzzle of a giraffe, while handing the "B" side a 20-page packet of math proofs, and tells the class they were excused after they finished their tasks. When questioned by Andi about the differences between the tests, the jaded teacher simply states he is seven years from retirement, and to just do the work.
Mr. Plimpton was played by Bob Bedore.
Coach Jim Bag[]
Coach Jim Bag was a P.E. teacher at Jefferson Middle School. On the day the student body was divided into "A" and "B" groups, he decided his Gym class would play Dodgeball, however, the "B" side would all have to wear blindfolds. This caused the Coach to note, "There's no crying in Dodgeball". He was later seen participating in the game, while not actively throwing at the visually impaired "B" students, he did provide balls for the "A" side to hurl at the hapless targets. The next semester, Cyrus is flunking P.E. and asks the teacher what he can do to improve his grade. After being called out by Cyrus for trying to placate him with an insincere pep talk, Mr. Bag tells him he can get extra credit by taking up another activity, which turns out to be an extremely arduous dance class.
Coach Jim Bag was played by Jack Diamond.
- Jack Diamond is the second assistant accountant for the Andi Mack TV series.
- Diamond also provided the voice of the teacher that gave Andi detention in Shhh!.
- His surname as Bag was revealed in It's a Dilemna, thus the character can be described as a P.E. Teacher named "Jim Bag."
- In Something to Talk A-Boot it was revealed that Coach Bag keeps a motorized golf cart on campus, and that TJ Kippen often takes it without permission. Mr. Bag successfully had TJ charged with auto theft by the JMS student court, and they sentenced him to a single day of lunchtime detention.
Cater Waiter[]
The Cater Waiter was seen at Jefferson Middle School delivering fruit smoothies. While Andi is speaking with Jonah during his Art class "project", the waiter hands Andi her smoothie. As the pair continue their conversation on the strangeness of the school day, Andi states "This is wrong." Jonah agrees. However, Andi sheepishly admits she meant her smoothie order was incorrect, and the Cater Waiter gives her the Strawberry-Banana one she wanted.
The Cater Waiter was played by Jake Brown.
- The character wears a plastic tag bearing the name "O'Malley," however it is not clear if that is his own name or that of the catering company.
There's a Mack in the Shack[]
Mr. Coleman[]
Mr. Coleman was a Math teacher at Jefferson Midddle School. Recognizing Buffy as one of his best students, he asks her to tutor a classmate in Algebra. Buffy is hesitant, as she has never tutored before, but her teacher is confident she can do it, especially for a teammate. Buffy knows that there was only one member of the team she would refuse to help, and that one exception, TJ Kippen, just happens to walk into the room. Neither student is happy with the situation, but Mr. Coleman tells TJ he has no other options. However, Buffy refuses, throwing back TJ's own words back at him, stating that his troubles are not her problem, and leaves.
Mr. Coleman was played by Andrew Diaz.
TJ tells Buffy that he admitted to possibly having dyscalculia to Mr. Coleman in A Walker to Remember. He also confessed that she did his homework, and subsequently, Mr. Coleman has Buffy suspended from the Basketball team.[]
Dance Instructor[]
The Dance Instructor ran a weekly dance class frequented by Celia Mack, and infrequently, by her granddaughter, Andi. But for a single session at the Freestyle Dance Studio, he had all three generations of the Mack women present, when Bex Mack joined the rest of her family, for an energetic workout.
The Dance Instructor was played by Jeffrey Louizia.
You're the One That I Want[]
Furious George[]
Furious George was a famed Frisbee player, one of the top ten players in the world according to the Ultimate Disc power rankings. He travels to Shadyside to host a master class on trick shots. Jonah and his friend, Natalie, attend the trick shot class in Shadyside Park, but neither are aware Cyrus and Buffy are secretly spying on them. Natalie, who has a web channel, asks George to film a video with her, and he agrees to shoot it the next day at the same location in the park. She also asks Jonah to appear, who initially also agrees, but cancels at the last minute because of a prior arrangement he forgot about with his other friend Andi Mack. However, while George was waiting to start filming, a girl wearing a pink jacket arrives, looking for Jonah. Recognizing the other girl as Andi Mack, Natalie tells her Jonah said he was going to the sing-a-long instead--sending Andi running back the way she came.
Furious George was played by Patrik Connole.
- Furious George is a clear reference to "Curious George" the beloved fictional monkey children's character created by H.A. and Margret Rey.
A Good Hair Day[]
The Barker was seen at the 16th Shadyside Renaissance Faire, calling for faire goers to "proveth thy mettle," in a tug-of-war set atop opposing wooden platforms. Buffy and Jonah take up the challenge. After the pair have climbed on the boxes and taken up the rope, the Barker plays a brief fanfare on a horn to start the match. However, the duo engage in a prolonged battle which lasts until the Barker approaches and informs them that it's closing time, and she needs her boxes back.
The Barker was played by Wilder Smith.
- Normally the Barker would award the victor a medal, but Buffy and Jonah did not give her the opportunity to do so in their match.
- Wilder Smith also supplied the voice of the T.V. Narrator of the nature special Cyrus and Iris were watching during Friends Like These.
- Off-camera, Wilder Smith serves as a dialogue coach for the younger actors.
- Wilder Smith is also the partner of Lilan Bowden in the sketch comedy duo Lilan and Wilder.
- She appears in the behind-the-scenes versions of the season ending credits.
We Were Never[]
Dad #1[]
Dad #1 was seen watching the basketball game between Jefferson and the Knights, sitting next to Andi. By the second half, he has moved up to the front row, leaving room for Cyrus and Jonah to sit with Andi when they finally arrive to watch the game. He looks concerned when Buffy drops the ball, but he joins the rest of the crowd in a standing ovation, when Pat Driscoll enters the gym to embrace Buffy, after months of overseas duty.
Dad #1 was played by Tim Shoemaker.
Jefferson Basketball Player #3[]
Jefferson Basketball Player #3 was first seen in the Jefferson Middle School cafeteria, dropping a chocolate muffin tossed to him by TJ Kippen, who strangely, opts to stomp on the pastry rather than simply picking it up. Weeks later, after Buffy calls a timeout during the game against the Knights, clearly tired of the conflict between Buffy and TJ, he just tells the team captain to give her the ball, to which Buffy thanks him, as TJ finally agrees. Sometime later, after Buffy has led the then TJ-less team to victory over the Raptors, he high fives the newly dubbed, "Slayer". He later signs a basketball for Jonah with the rest of the team to put in Buffy's time capsule.
Jefferson Basketball Player #3 was played by Clinton Brandt.
- There's a Mack in the Shack (uncredited)
- We Were Never
- A Walker to Remember
- The character first made an uncredited appearance as the pal of TJ that drops the chocolate muffin in the cafeteria during There's a Mack in the Shack.
- A different character wore Jefferson jersey #3 in a previous episode.
- Possible Names:
- Connor
- Jack Green
- Will Lerner
- Michael Long
- Randy Miller
- Nick Nelson
- Andrew Scott
- Joshua Smith
- Scott Smith
- Doug Tyler
Cyrus' Bash-Mitzvah![]
Todd is Cyrus' step-father who married his mother, Leslie Goodman. He stands with his wife, next to Cyrus as he reads from the Torah during his bar mitzvah. Later during Cyrus' party, he meets Ham as they lift Cyrus up in the air during the Hava Nagila Dance. Todd spends the next few hours informally talking with Ham, sizing him up as a potential client for his services as a Lifestyle Coach.
Todd was played by Timothy Hornor.
- It is revealed that Todd builds Civil War battle dioramas with miniature soldiers.
Dr. Sharon Frank[]
Dr. Sharon Frank is Cyrus' step-mother who married his father, Norman Goodman. She is first seen in the Shadyside synagogue attending Cyrus' bar mitzvah. Later at the reception, she proudly stands with the rest of Cyrus' parents as they present him to the crowd for the first time as a man.
Dr. Sharon Frank was played by Beryt K. Nisenson.
- Dr. Sharon Frank and her husband, Dr. Norman Goodman, maintain their psychiatrist offices at their residence at 256 Citrus Avenue.
- In Bought, Lost or Stolen it is revealed Dr. Frank has taken on Amber as a patient.
- Sharon Frank was played by Joshua Rush's actual mother, Beryt, in an uncredited cameo.
Madame Le Doux[]
Madame Le Doux was hired by Dr. Norman Goodman and his ex-wife, Dr. Leslie Goodman, to provide entertainment for the guests at their son, Cyrus' "Bash-Mitzvah", by telling fortunes. After having her tent set up outside the reception venue, the final touch was having a sign proclaiming her name, (and sending out the implied message that the Past, Present, and Future are hers alone to reveal) set outside the entrance The Good Hair Crew become drawn to the allure of her domain, and ultimately, all three of them (particularly Buffy) come to believe in her alleged powers.
Madame Le Doux was played Peggy Anne Blow.
- While her sign advertises gazing into her Crystal Ball and Palm Reading, Madame Le Doux utilizes neither technique in foretelling the future.
- Even Madame Le Doux cannot refuse Cyrus' assertion that it is "his Bar Mitzvah," and grants him a second card to write on, but not another question answered.
- Fortunes Foretold By Madame Le Doux:
- Cyrus Goodman-Will get into an Ivy League school--but will not graduate from one.
- Andi Mack-Will soon have a real boyfriend.
- Buffy Driscoll-That neither her mother or herself are staying at home for good.
- TJ Kippen-That he should let a friend help him with his problem.
Perfect Day 2.0[]
Deputy Bartlett[]
Deputy Bartlett finds the dirty and disheveled trio of The Good Hair Crew standing dejectedly along a country back road, and asks if they need help, and if she can take them anywhere. While Cyrus and Buffy seem eager to return home, Andi insists they continue on to the Alpine Slide. After Andi and Buffy have stowed away their lone bike and backpacks in the rear of the car, they settle into the back seat. Just as they are all ready to go, the group spots a pair of punks ahead which they suspect are riding the stolen bikes. However, as the Deputy prepares to pursue them, she receives a call about a car robbery in progress back in town. She then informs the kids that she has to drop them off, leaving the trio back at the now closed apple cider and bakery stand. However, as the Deputy speeds away, she forgets to let the girls retrieve their stuff left within the vehicle.
Deputy Bartlett was played by Yolanda Wood.
- Although the character is called Deputy Bartlett by Cyrus, she is credited only as "Officer Bartlett."
- Bartlett identifies her car as Unit 49.
Andi's Choice[]
Zoe was first seen entering The Fringe, looking for Bex Mack. When Bex identifies herself, the other woman hands her a cease and desist letter, drafted by a lawyer, warning Bex against leaving false reviews against her cosmetologist competition on the Whelp website. When Bex claims ignorance of the entire situation, Zoe quotes a negative comment she received from an alleged customer named "Marian Trensky". When Brittany gasps in recognition of the name (having quoted a positive review for Bex written by the same person earlier) Zoe smiles smugly. As she leaves, Zoe states that should she opt to sue Bex, she has found her star witness.
Zoe was played by Kaycee Stroh.
- Actress KayCee Stroh is best known for playing the role of "Martha Cox" in the High School Musical franchise, which also filmed in Magna, Utah.
- A Salt Lake City native, Stroh lives with her family near the Andi Mack set.
The Cake That Takes the Cake[]
Rafe was a member of the Renaissance Boys, and the apparent leader of the group. On the verge of their first world tour, he and the rest of the band travel to Shadyside to find Bowie Quinn. After greeting his friends, Bowie invites them to a dinner at the Mack house. After the meal, Rafe reveals why they have really wanted to see Bowie: getting on one knee, he produces a guitar pick and asks Bowie to officially join The Renaissance Boys as their rhythm guitarist. When Bowie hesitates, as his focus is now being with Andi, Rafe just asks him to join them for their world tour which will just last six months. Bowie's answer is further complicated by the discovery of the ring secreted in a cake baked by the Mack girls. Bowie agrees to go on tour with them, however, two months later, Rafe throws out his back, as external pressures seeming force The Renaissance Boys to disband.
Rafe was portrayed by Adam Chambers.
- In The Boys Are Back, Bowie reveals that Rafe threw out his back about a third into the World Tour, effectively ending The Renaissance Boys' careers for the time being.
Season 3[]
The Boys Are Back[]
Monique was first seen in Cloud 10 (now re-branded as a "Cosmetic Studio") as Bex Mack puts the finishing touches on her makeover. Extremely impressed, the other woman confesses she just wants to stare at her new self in the mirror all day. Celia agrees, comparing the client's "Before" photo to the results, stating she thinks it is Bex's best work. Celia suggests that Monique should go up on the wall as an example among Bex's best transformations. However, Monique is hesitant to have her former appearance up on the wall for the public to see, and refuses, quickly leaving the premises.
Monique was played by Chantel Flanders.
It's a Dilemna[]
Shaun as taken by his father, Victor to Red Rooster Records to pick out a present for his upcoming birthday. Upon entering the store, they see Bowie Quinn with his star pupil, Jonah Beck practicing playing the guitar. They are suitably impressed, and Jonah praises Bowie for all his musical progress. This gives Victor the idea that Bowie could have similar success in teaching Shaun, whom Victor believes could be a star. Bowie reluctantly agrees, but in the first lesson, Shaun refuses to listen to anything Bowie tries to say, and merely plucks at the strings in any fashion he feels like. Bowie grows increasingly frustrated, and knows he has taken up an impossible task. Some weeks later, Bowie has decided he is a terrible teacher and tells Shaun as such. However, Shaun admits that he has been purposely tanking the lessons, as he doesn't really want to study the guitar at all. Relieved, Bowie is glad to know the truth, and tells Shaun to tell his father everything as well. At first denying the truth, Shaun ultimately, admits that he has no desire to play the guitar. Victor is reluctant to believe it, until Bowie intuits that Victor is the one that truly wants to play guitar. After actually picking up a guitar and experimentally strumming it, Victor decides to take the lessons instead.
Shaun was played by Nick Yiakoumatos.
Victor was first seen entering Red Rooster Records with his son, Shaun, looking for a gift for the boy's upcoming birthday. Having been impressed by the musical ability shown by a practicing Jonah Beck, as well as the swiftness Jonah credits his teacher with, Victor asks Bowie to take on Shaun as a student, certain that his son is a potential star in the making. However, some weeks later, Shaun would confess that he never had any interest in learning the guitar. At first disbelieving, with a little prompting from Bowie, Victor would realize that he had transferred his own desire to play the guitar on Shaun, and after actually picking up a guitar, Victor decides to become Bowie's latest student.
Victor was played by Tyler Poelle.
- Tyler Poelle is familiar to Disney Channel viewers for his roles as talk show host, "Graham Cavanaugh," in Dog With A Blog, as well as playing "Agent Gibb" on an episode of K.C. Undercover, "Kangaroo Jim," in two episodes of Coop and Cami Ask the World, and "Jax Jackson" on an episode of Raven's Home..
Dance Teacher[]
The Dance Teacher was heard leading her dance class on stage. Yet, throughout her instructions, she does offer words of encouragement to her newest pupil, Cyrus Goodman, who is clearly far behind the rest of the class in skill, agility, endurance, or any other traits necessary to develop the ability to dance. She is later seen judging Cyrus' final dance project.
The Dance Teacher was played by Bayli Baker Thompson.
- She returns in an uncredited cameo to grade Cyrus' dance final in The Quacks.
- Bayli Baker was a featured, albeit unnamed, dancer in all 3 High School Musical movies.
- She was a choreographer on High School Musical 3.
Cookie Monster[]
Lester was TJ Kippen and Reed's friend. He joins the pair for a weekend afternoon of dirt biking. He meets Cyrus and is seen cheering him up while he learns how to ride a dirt bike. Lester is later seen setting up a line of watermelons as targets for Reed to shoot, which suggest he was aware of Reed having possession of his father's firearm.
Lester was played by Austin Burns.
- It is unknown what ramifications, if any, Lester faced, as a result of Officer Wright's investigation into the reported reckless use of a firearm by minors.
- Austin Burns was not credited for this role
Officer Wright[]
Officer Wright was a police officer sent to Jefferson Middle School to investigate a report that students from that school were using a firearm in a reckless fashion. She used Dr. Metcalf's office to hold her interrogations, among whom was Cyrus Goodman.
Officer Wright was played by Jessica Villeneuve.
- In The New Girls TJ Kippen would later admit to Cyrus that he was the one who contacted the authorities about his friend, Reed's illicit activities.
- As a result of Officer Wright's investigation, Reed was sentenced to serve 100 hours of community service, and his father was placed under further scrutiny for negligent storage of a firearm.
I Got Your Number[]
Carriage Driver[]
The Carriage Driver was hired by Bowie Quinn to surprise his fiancée, Bex Mack with a romantic horse drawn carriage ride through Shadyside. However, during the trip, their daughter, Andi calls, and asks to be picked up at a party in a warehouse somewhere. Bowie decides the carriage is too slow, and races to Andi on foot, after Bex tells him he is a great father. By the time the carriage arrives outside the warehouse, Bowie and Andi are already headed home. The Carriage Driver stops to pick up the pair, reuniting the entire family, and guides them safely home.
The Carriage Driver was played by Fenton Quinn.
Secret Society[]
Leo was a student at Jefferson Middle School that had a locker close to Cyrus Goodman, and overheard the other talking to himself, about a secret message he found in his locker, leaving Leo confused.
Leo was played by Leo T. Kaplan.
Leo T. Kaplan is Lauren Tom's son.[]
Ricky was the salesman that helped Bex and Celia Mack, when they chose his establishment, Eugene's Bridal Shop to find a wedding gown. After several dresses were tried on, Celia found one she loved, but Bex wanted Andi's opinion, Ricky offered to call Andi, but this caused the pair to realize how hurt Andi would be to have missed the experience of the dress search. Celia asked Ricky to hold the garment, but Ricky explained that items on sale could not be reserved. Upon learning it was 45% off, Celia stated she had fallen in love with the dress all over again. The next day, the Macks returned to Eugene's with Andi in tow. She admires the dress Bex wears, but grows suspicious when they do not want to look at any others. This causes Celia to confess that they had already bought the gown the day before. In a snit, Andi lays a guilt trip on Bex and Celia for forgetting about her. Subsequently, an understanding Ricky allows Celia to return the dress.
Ricky was played by George Janko.
The Quacks[]
Mrs. Mendenhall[]
Mrs. Mendenhall was the Student Guidance Couselor at Jefferson Middle School. When Buffy Driscoll formed a girls Basketball team, the Spikes, she was eager to support it, and accepted the title of coach, when no other faculty member would, even though she knew nothing of the sport, leaving everything in Buffy's hands. Mrs. Mendenhall turns up late for the Spikes' first game, but offers to do what she can, yet makes clear to the team that she is only capable of watching and providing refreshing orange slices. Due to most of the Spikes not showing up, she graciously gives the surplus orange slices to the opposition, the Hawks.
Mrs. Mendenhall was played by Roni Geva.
- She claims to have been a star on her school Badminton team, "The Shuttle Chicks."
One in a Minyan[]
Ruthie was first seen at the Shiva for Cyrus' Bubbe Rose. Later she meets Andi, and asks if she is Cyrus' girlfriend, which Andi, denies. This causes Ruthie to state that she wishes Cyrus would find himself a nice girl. Later she meets Bowie, and is shocked to learn he brought a homemade kugel, the dish she always brings to family functions, and even worse, did not bother to add raisins to the recipe. Later, prompted by Cyrus' parents, Bowie stages an apology to Ruthie by claiming to have brought a store-bought kugel. However, Ruthie states she may never find it in her heart to ever forgive the infraction.
Ruthie was played by Bryna Weiss.
Rabbi Hurwitz[]
Rabbi Hurwitz was the Rabbi of Shadyside Synagogue. He was first seen at Cyrus Goodman's Bar Mitvah. At the Shiva for Cyrus' Bubbe Rose, he invites the young man to join in a Minyan for the departed. Noting that it would be his first Minyan, Cyrus eagerly agrees. Although Jonah Beck is not Jewish, the Rabbi, observing that he shares the same name with the Biblical prophet, invites him to join as well. The Rabbi then leads the ten Jewish men (plus Jonah) in a Minyan in Bubbe Rose's memory.
Rabbi Hurwitz was played by Danny Burman.
- The then unnamed character was first briefly seen in Cyrus' Bash-Mitzvah!
- The character's surname is shared by the writer of the episode, Jonathan Hurwitz.
The Ex Factor[]
Nicky was the Postal Carrier who has the route which includes Shadyside's Main Street. One day, while emptying the boxes along the street, he encounters Bex, as she is about to place her wedding invitations in the mail. He accepts the two boxes, and noting the obvious care which has been taken in preparing them, tells her that delivering such invitations are among the highlights of his job. However, his speech has the unexpected effect of spooking the bride-to-be, and she takes the boxes back, claiming to have not adequately checked for possible spelling errors. A confused Nicky muses to himself why he even bothered to put on his shorts for work that day.
Nicky was played by Andrew Tinpo Lee.
- Andrew Tinpo Lee is the father of Peyton Elizabeth Lee.
- He played "Mr. Hsaio" in the Aloha--The Goodbye One episode of Doogie Kamealoha: M.D. on Disney +.
Hammer Time[]
Maitre D'[]
The Maitre D' was first seen guiding Celia to the table where her granddaughter, Andi, and her parents, Bex and Bowie, were already waiting, in his upscale (yet unnamed) French restaurant. After seating her, he went to the kitchen area to supervise the prearranged presentation of Celia's birthday cake. Allowing a few minutes to pass by, the Maitre D', then personally carried the cake to the table, as he and his wait staff sang a rendition of "Happy Birthday". However, Celia angrily put out the sparkler atop the cake, and stalked away, leaving the Maitre D' and his staff awkwardly standing about the table.
The Maitre D' was played by Arthur Anderson.
Unloading Zone[]
Vivian was merely walking down Shadyside's Main Street when she stumbled upon what she assumed was a Flea Market. To her surprise, the signage claimed every piece of clothing displayed along the sidewalk was free. Still, dubious, she questioned a young girl who seemed to be in charge nearby, and was told to take anything home she liked. Admitting she could use a new Winter coat, Vivian tried on a Leopard print jacket she admired, and happily continued her walk wearing her new free garment. Upon reaching Cloud 10, Vivian felt the urge to go in and browse. The women working within complimented her new coat and Vivian recounted how she got it, before leaving, abruptly deciding to go back to look around some more.
Vivian was played by Ryan Christie.
Officer Penn[]
Officer Penn was sent to investigate a report of a suspicious Flea Market that had popped up suddenly on Shadyside's Main Street. Arriving at the location, the officer discovered four juvenile subjects apparently dealing out a multitude of high quality garments. He asked them, if they had a permit for such activity, and was informed that the clothing in question was being given away not sold. Penn then asked about the provenance of the merchandise, and was given a murky response that Mint Chip had thrown them all away. Officer Penn then inquired which of them was "Mint Chip". The apparent leader of the group then attempted to justify their actions by stating that Mint Chip's wasteful practices were a crime to her. Officer Penn then followed up by asking, who had asked her? Some time later. Officer Penn personally shut the cell door on the four incarcerated suspects, now identified as Jonah Beck, Buffy Driscoll, Andi Mack, and Cyrus Goodman.
Officer Penn was played by Matthew Bellows.
- In One Girl's Trash, it was revealed that, as a result of Officer Penn's investigation, Andi Mack, Buffy Driscoll, Cyrus Goodman, and Jonah Beck, were each assigned twenty hours of community service.
One Girl's Trash[]
Mrs. Frankel[]
Mrs. Frankel was a Social Studies teacher at Jefferson Middle School. One day, she had her class arrange their desks in a circle, so they could all face each other. She then gave each student a slip of paper with another classmate's name on it and instructed them to describe what they knew of that individual, but not reveal their name or what that person looked like. However, when Andi Mack objected being ascribed by Kristina with presumed Asian traits, Mrs. Frankel took the opportunity to discuss the use of stereotypes with the class. Later in the week, she encountered the Good Hair Crew admiring Andi's project comprised of trash, and complimented the artist on her work.
Mrs. Frankel was played by Felice Heather Monteith.
Harris Gurney[]
Harris Gurney was a student at Jefferson Middle School. During an exercise in Mrs. Frankel's Social Studies class, he was able to identify himself from Andi Mack's description of being from Philadelphia, liking gaming, and reading graphic novels. Describing his selected name as being the coolest girl at Jefferson, easily identified Kristina to the class. However, he was the first student to guess Andi from Kristina's vague and stereotypical description.
Harris Gurney was played by Ben Olsen.
Kristina was a student at Jefferson Middle School. During an exercise in Mrs. Frankel's Social Studies class, she was able to identify herself by Harris calling her the coolest girl in school. However, when she looked at the name she had been given, Kristina had to confess to not knowing that person very well. She admitted the person once threw a cool party, and presumed she was good with computers and either played the violin or piano. Harris guessed Andi Mack, and although Andi denied it, Kristina confirmed Andi as her selection. This led Mrs. Frankel to discuss the use of stereotypes with the class.
Kristina was played by Nicole Weeks .
Arts and Inhumanities[]
Impressed Student[]
The Impressed Student was a student at Jefferson Middle School. While admiring the art project displayed in the hallway, "Trashing Stereotypes: Do you see me now?" The Impressed Student noticed a pair of girls nearby, the younger of which bore a striking resemblance to the face hidden within the complex piles of trash. Approaching them, he asked if she was the artist. The older girl confirmed the other had created the work in question, but the artist herself, just wanted to leave.
The Impressed Student was played by Cayden Corbett.
Rachel was Marty's girlfriend. While Rachel and Marty were at the local Shadyside bowling alley, he greeted a girl passing by that he identified as Buffy. Marty seemed extremely concerned by her apparent limp, while she mocked his recent haircut. Marty introduced Rachel as his girlfriend, and Buffy replied that his girlfriend was actually real. Becoming irritated, Rachel asked Buffy to clarify that statement. Buffy replied with some vague reference about Canada, causing Rachel to demand if Marty had said she was in Canada. The pair played it off as some sort of inside joke, and Rachel could only glare at them in uncomfortable silence. Buffy got the hint, and began to walk away, but Marty still insisted to warn Buffy about her foot, and pulled out his phone and began texting. While Buffy claimed to be fine, Rachel wanted to know who Marty was texting. Marty admitted he was texting Buffy, which puzzled Rachel, as Buffy was still standing in front of them. Marty stated it was the details for a foot doctor. However, Buffy denied needing one, but Marty was adamant that she did. Watching the pair exchanged significant glances, drove Rachel to ask if they could start bowling, Marty said everything was cool, as Buffy limped back where she came from. However, Rachel was not satisfied, pointing at Buffy she demanded to know what exactly she meant to Marty. When Marty was less than forthcoming, Rachel grabbed her bag, and left the lanes in disgust. Marty caught up with her and reluctantly began revealing his complicated history with Buffy. Several minutes later, Marty finished, swearing that Buffy was just a friend. Yet, Rachel could tell that Buffy was interested in him as more than a friend. Marty denied that assertion. Rachel demanded to know how he knew that for certain, had he actually asked her. Marty stated it had been a long time ago and Rachel knew she had been right. Marty claimed it had all happened before they had ever met. However, Rachel now knew conclusively, that Marty had liked Buffy. Marty reiterated that he and Buffy were just friends but Rachel had come to the realization that Marty wished he was with Buffy instead of her. Marty denied that, and asked if they could just end the conversation, describing it as "torture". Fed up, Rachel began to walk away. Marty began to apologize for what he said, when a pained cry came from across the room. By the snack bar, Buffy had aggravated her foot injury. Calling out her name, Marty went to her side. Rachel called out his name in warning, and Marty stopped between the two girls. Claiming to be fine, Buffy limped away with her food. When Marty did not immediately return to her side, a frustrated Rachel declared that she was out, and left Marty behind, effectively ending their relationship.
Rachel was played by Ariana Molkara .
Something to Talk A-Boot[]
Maria was a student at Jefferson Middle School. She is on the girls' basketball team. Along with her other teammates, Maria showed up at Buffy's house with cupcakes to celebrate the end of the basketball season. While watching a video of their previous game, Buffy noticed that Maria was very good at becoming open, but never called out to her teammates to let them know. During their final game, Maria called out to her teammates and scored the winning basket.
Maria was played by Sadie Gray.
- She wears #5 for the Spikes.
- Sadie Gray was not credited for this role.
A Moving Day[]
Judy Beck[]
Judy Beck (née Bartholomew) is the mother of Jonah Beck. Arriving late on the day her family was scheduled to move the last of their belongings from the storage facility to their new apartment, Judy hoped she still had the opportunity to finally meet some of her son's friends. Jonah escorts her inside to where Cyrus Goodman and Buffy Driscoll are watching a video. Both are shocked and stunned to have the very person they have been watching, 90's workout fitness star, "Judy Bartholomew," introduced to them as Jonah's mother. The pair spend the afternoon learning how to do "The Pony Dance," from the original source, but are not quite able to master it. Judy asks her son to demonstrate, and Jonah complies, easily performing the routine, as he had been doing it since he was six years old. Judy then stops the impromptu dance session by reminding the trio that they shortly have somewhere else important to be.
Judy Beck was played by Coco Angel.
- According to Jonah, his father was one of her workout dancers.
- Judy keeps a collection of all her old fitness videos, both in VHS and DVD formats.
- Cyrus claims her online videos have millions of views.
- Coco Angel is the actual mother of Jonah Beck actor, Asher Angel. Her other son, Avi, played a young TJ in I Got Your Number.
Ordained Officiant[]
The Ordained Officiant was hired by Bex Mack to preside over her surprise wedding ceremony to her fiancé, Bowie Quinn. In a secluded setting atop Mount Washington, he conducted the nuptials finally uniting the pair in matrimony, before a small gathering of their family and friends.
The Ordained Officiant was played by Steven Tylor O'Connor.