“ | Is it too soon to ask if I can have his muffin? |
” |
Head Over Heels is the seventh episode in Season 2 of Andi Mack and the nineteenth episode overall. It first aired on January 15, 2018 to 1.31 million viewers[1].
Andi and Jonah go on a double date with Buffy and Marty to an arcade. Meanwhile, Cyrus decides to shoot a movie with Bex’s encouragement.
Full Plot[]
Andi, Buffy, and Jonah Beck are walking down the street while Andi vents to them about how upset she is because she will lose Andi Shack when CeCe sells the house. Before parting, Jonah asks Andi on a date. But then he also invites Buffy to come along.
Later, at The Spoon Diner, Andi complains to Buffy and Marty how she thought this was going to be her first real date with Jonah Beck. Buffy doesn't want to go as a third wheel either. When Marty goes to get extra napkins for Buffy, Andi tells Buffy that she and Marty are so perfect together. But, Buffy assures her that she and Marty are not a couple and can't happen. However, she agrees to invite Marty to double-date with Andi and Jonah. Marty agrees but Buffy makes it clear that they're only going as friends.
During the double-date, Marty and Buffy easily click because they already have so much in common. They have a lot of fun playing VR games together. Meanwhile, Andi and Jonah Beck struggle to feel the same level of chemistry. When Jonah accidentally trips and falls, Andi laughs at him. After noticing how serious Jonah is, Andi apologizes for laughing and asks if he's mad. Jonah tells her that he's not mad but then he walks away and doesn't want to talk to her. He's clearly upset. Andi texts him to say "goodnight" but Jonah refuses to respond. When Andi asks about the text, Jonah claims that his phone died. Andi asks him for the second time if he's upset but Jonah says he's not upset. But then he refuses to talk to her.
Andi vents her frustration with Jonah to Bex but Bex tells her to ask Jonah if he's mad for the third time. She explains her reasoning. The first time, he doesn't want to admit that he's upset so that Andi doesn't feel bad. The second time, he repeats that he's not upset to seem as if he's holding the grounds for his first response. But the third time, he will give the honest answer. So, the next day, Andi runs to Jonah to ask him if he's upset. But just before getting to him, she accidentally trips and falls. Jonah laughs at her. Andi laughs back. This lightens the mood. Jonah holds Andi's hand and helps her up.
While Andi is trying to figure out Jonah, Buffy and Marty are going through their own troubles as well. After the double-date, Marty asks Buffy to be a real couple. He reminds Buffy of how much they have in common - sports, witty banters, same sense of humor, great chemistry. They completely understand each other, unlike Andi and Jonah. They're already more than halfway there to being a couple. So, why can't they just make it official? Buffy agrees with Marty's assessment of their relationship but says that she wants it to remain that way. Just friends. Marty tries to convince her but once Buffy has made her mind, he knows he's wasting her time. Marty likes Buffy so much that he doesn't feel like he can just be around her as friends. He can't continue like this. He decides not to be Buffy's friend either.
Buffy is disappointed to see Marty go. She tells Andi and Cyrus about their "breakup." The next day, she tries to talk to Marty but Marty intentionally starts to avoid her. From a distance, Buffy watches Marty talk to other girls. And deep down she knows that she's lost something. Something important.
Meanwhile, Cyrus has been trying to figure out what co-curricular activity he wants to do, since he doesn't play any sports and doesn't have many hobbies. So, he settles on script-writing. He writes his first script draft and takes it to Bex at The Fringe so that she can read it for him and give him some constructive feedback. Bex reads the script. It's terrible. But she doesn't want to break Cyrus' delicate heart. So, she lies to him that the script was great. This makes Cyrus so excited and proud of himself and his writing skills.
Cyrus invites Bex and her boss, Brittany, to The Spoon for a meeting. He thanks Bex for reviewing the script and giving him feedback. He tells them that he is going to produce a movie based on the script. He wants Bex to be the producer/director, and Brittany to be the star of the movie. Since Bex knows that the script is terrible, she tries to talk Cyrus out of making the movie without necessarily telling him the truth. But Cyrus doesn't listen. He wants to make the movie.
After reading the script, Brittany finds it terrible as well and tells Bex that she has bad taste if she really liked Cyrus' script. Bex admits that she hates the script too but couldn't bring herself to tell Cyrus the painful truth. Brittany confronts Bex for lying to Cyrus and tells her to be honest with him or Brittany will tell Cyrus herself.
So, Bex gets in touch with Cyrus and tells him the truth about the script. She tells him that it's not a bad thing. It takes time to fully master script writing. She compliments Cyrus for his work ethic and determination to complete the script since most aspiring scriptwriters can't even complete a script. Cyrus just needs to take time to find himself. And that is completely okay to not know who you are and what you want right away.
Main Cast[]
- Peyton Elizabeth Lee as Andi Mack
- Joshua Rush as Cyrus Goodman
- Sofia Wylie as Buffy Driscoll
- Asher Angel as Jonah Beck
- Lilan Bowden as Bex Mack
- Lauren Tom as Celia Mack (credit only)
Recurring Cast[]
- This was the first episode of the series to not premiere on a Friday.
- This was the first episode of the series to feature the Disney Channel Live Play experience allowing fans to test their knowledge of the show with real-time polls, quizzes, and trivia on the Disney Channel App via iOS device.
- The first ever televised cast party for a Disney Channel series followed this episode of Andi Mack.
- Marty admits to have romantic feelings for Buffy.
- This is Marty's final appearance of the season.
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Andi Mack 2x07 promo
Andi Mack - Season 2 Episode 7 - Head Over Heels - EXCLUSIVE CLIP
Andi Mack - 2X7 - Head Over Heels - Promo 2