“ | All I wanted was a normal day. And now it's starting to feel like my funeral. Which I will not be going to. |
” |
— Buffy's goodbye
For the Last Time the twentieth episode in Season 2 of Andi Mack and the thirty-second overall. It first aired on July 16, 2018 to 0.83 million viewers.[1]
Andi, Cyrus and Jonah put together a farewell gift for Buffy before her last day in Shadyside.[2]
Full Plot[]
The Good Hair Crew is at The Spoon Diner together for the last time before Buffy leaves for good. They are all sad and dispirited. To lighten up the mood, Buffy tries to cheer Andi and Cyrus up by asking them to sing whenever they say "for the last time." They struggle to play along with Buffy's advice. When it comes to fighting for the last baby tater for the last time, emotions overtake them. They can't sing anymore. Cyrus asks to spare the last baby tater. He carries it with him as they walk out of The Spoon together for the last time.
Andi and Cyrus walk Buffy home so that she can finish up packing. She tells them that she will be leaving early in the morning but she doesn't want to say goodbye. She just wants this to be a normal day. When Buffy mentions that she wishes she had a time capsule to remember all their moments together, Cyrus gets the idea to make a capsule. Buffy refuses to do a time capsule because it is too emotional. She says that she just wanted a normal day but now it is starting to feel a lot like her funeral. After that, she runs into the house. Andi and Cyrus are left worried that that might be the last thing Buffy says to them. Later, Andi talks to Jonah about it and Jonah encourages her to go ahead with the time capsule. He advises that instead of burying it, they could give it to Buffy so that she can open it whenever she wants. It could be like a timeless capsule and give it to Buffy as a surprise farewell gift.
To build the timeless capsule, Cyrus and Andi come up with a list of items that remind them of key moments with Buffy. They give Buffy's mom, Pat Driscoll, a specific list of items they want from Buffy. They ask her not to tell Buffy about it because it's a surprise. As Pat reads through the list, she realizes that she's missed a lot in Buffy's life - like the time that Buffy used a flat iron[3] and the time she led a school dress code protest.[4] She agrees to get the items and put them outside for Andi and Cyrus to pick up later. Mrs. Driscoll goes back and continues packing. She notices an image of Marty and asks Buffy about him. Buffy explains that he's "Marty from the party" and mentions that they were close but they don't talk anymore.
While packing, Mrs. Driscoll is unable to keep Cyrus and Andi's time capsule secret from Buffy. She asks Buffy why she doesn't want to say a formal goodbye to her friends. Buffy starts tearing up as she reveals that she doesn't want them to see her cry. She knows it's going to be very emotional because she can never remember a time in her life without Andi and Cyrus. They are part of her life. She has to appear strong for them. If she breaks down in front of them, then that's the last memory they will have of her. She can't let them see her cry. She has to be strong, just like her mom. At that point, Mrs. Driscoll comforts Buffy and tells her that it is okay to cry. She admits that even she herself cries whenever she has to go on a mission, leaving Buffy behind. Pat and Buffy have an emotional, tearful hug.
Meanwhile, Ham is fixing Bex's sink while Bex vents about how over-controlling her mother is. She mentions that CeCe bought The Fringe so that she can micromanage her even more. This comes as a surprise to Ham because he didn't know anything about Celia buying The Fringe. He is baffled and angry. He walks out and stops answering calls from Bex and Celia. Bex goes to CeCe's and confronts her for not telling Ham about The Fringe. When CeCe mentions that she still has three days to call off the deal, Bex asks her to call it off. CeCe then explains that she wanted to buy The Fringe so that she can turn it into an amazing boutique salon for Bex. After hearing CeCe's amazing plan, Bex asks CeCe to take the deal back on as long as she promises to tell Ham about it before making the final commitment. CeCe agrees. They are now left worried about how to get Ham to respond to their calls.
Luckily, Andi arrives and mentions that she needs a time capsule. Bex and CeCe trick her into asking Ham for the time capsule because they know he wouldn't refuse to text her back and bring it home. The trick works. CeCe apologizes to Ham and gives him the paperwork for buying the Fringe. Ham promises to take a look and give them an answer. Andi takes the time capsule so that they can start putting items in. Bex puts in a DVD of Buffy the Vampire Slayer season 3 because it's Buffy's favorite. Jonah even manages to get Buffy's basketball jersey and a basketball signed by the entire team--including TJ. They also get a note from Marty where he refers to himself as Buffy's virtual boyfriend. Finally, they put in the last baby tater.
Later that evening, Andi, Cyrus, and Jonah go to Buffy's house to get the items from Mrs. Driscoll. They find nothing on the front porch. They knock on the door but there is no response. They look inside only to be shocked that the house is empty. Buffy and her mom have already moved - earlier than planned. Andi and Cyrus are left disheartened. They never got to say goodbye to Buffy.
Main Cast[]
- Peyton Elizabeth Lee as Andi Mack
- Joshua Rush as Cyrus Goodman
- Sofia Wylie as Buffy Driscoll
- Asher Angel as Jonah Beck
- Lilan Bowden as Bex Mack
- Lauren Tom as Celia Mack
Recurring Cast[]
- Stoney Westmoreland as Ham Mack
- Siena Goines as Pat Driscoll
To view the For the Last Time gallery, click here.
- This episode was originally written to be the season finale. In August 2017, due to incentives from local and state-level government officials in Utah, Disney Channel ordered an additional five episodes for the season (222-226).
- Jonathan S. Hurwitz was nominated for the 2019 Writers' Guild Awards in Children's Episodic and Specials for this episode.
- Marty is mentioned several times in this episode.
- Andi, Cyrus, and Jonah (and Bex) put together a time capsule for Buffy.
- Ham manages to locate a company that actually makes time capsules and procure Andi one in a short amount of time.
- Bex makes a lot of references to the supernatural television series, Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
- She puts Buffy the Vampire Slayer season 3 DVD into the time capsule because that is Buffy Driscoll's favorite season.
- She compares TJ to Faith, Buffy's nemesis introduced in BtVS season 3.
- Bex and Andi are playing Words with Buddies which is a parody of Words with Friends word game.
- Items entered in the time capsule:
- "#thegoodhaircrew" T-shirt (red) that Cyrus made for The Good Hair Crew (mentioned in It's Not About You).
- "You Can't Out-Tuff The Buff" sign that Cyrus took to Buffy's game.(The Snorpion)
- Megaphone from when they cheered Buffy's last game (from A Walker to Remember).
- Jefferson Middle School Student Handbook because Buffy helped change the school dress code (in Were We Ever?).
- Picture of Buffy and Andi from Sixth Grade Costume Day (as Dinosaur Vampires).
- Belt made of A and B bracelets (from I Wanna Hold Your Wristband).
- Box of shoelaces and note from Marty.
- Copy of Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Season 3 DVD (from Bex).
- Sealed acrylic cube set with the last Baby Tater from their last meal at The Spoon Diner.
- Basketball signed by the Jefferson Middle School Basketball Team.
- Buffy's Jefferson Basketball Jersey #23.
- Known items they wanted from Buffy:
- The flat iron she used in It's Not About You.
- The prison jumpsuit from the march protest in Were We Ever?.