Andi Mack Wiki

You know what else you are?... The only person I can talk to like this.

Tyrus is the relationship pairing between Cyrus Goodman and TJ Kippen on Andi Mack. The two became close despite the former rivalry between TJ and Cyrus' best friend, Buffy and developed crushes on each other, especially as TJ became a better person. They are notable as the first gay romance on Disney Channel. Cyrus and TJ are portrayed by Joshua Rush and Luke Mullen.

TJ + Cyrus = Tyrus


Cyrus learns about TJ through Buffy in Friends Like These when Buffy vents to Cyrus and Andi about TJ, the obnoxious team captain. Cyrus first sees TJ while watching a basketball game and remarks on how Buffy made an amazing pass to TJ, but Buffy clarifies that TJ actually stole the ball. Cyrus sees TJ from a distance in The Snorpion. Buffy wants to yell at TJ, but Cyrus advises her to confront him calmly. Cyrus and TJ quickly grew close upon bonding at the swings.


Season 2

There's a Mack in the Shack

  • Waiting in line at the cafeteria, Cyrus is hoping to get a chocolate-chocolate chip muffin. However, TJ and his friends cut the line and take all the muffins. One drops on the floor in front of Cyrus, and TJ steps on it as he leaves.
  • As part of the tutoring deal between Buffy and TJ, Buffy forces TJ to help Cyrus get the last muffin.
  • TJ decides to teach Cyrus how to get the muffin for himself.
  • When Buffy says Cyrus can't just walk up to the muffin and take it, TJ says: "Hey, don't tell him what he can't do."
  • He gives Cyrus a push towards the muffin.
  • When the other students waiting in line start protesting Cyrus' attempt to take the muffin, TJ is quick to rescue him, defending him by saying "He's with me", his intimidating aura successfully getting the students to leave Cyrus alone.
  • This interaction between TJ and Cyrus is the first time the audience has seen TJ be nice to someone. Cyrus is also the first person the audience has seen him smile at.

Miniature Gulf

  • After a stressful tutoring session with Buffy, TJ comes to the swingset and finds Cyrus swinging.
  • TJ remembers Cyrus as "Chocolate Chocolate Chip Muffin" and Cyrus remembers TJ as "Scary Basketball Guy". They formally introduce themselves to each other this time.
  • Cyrus and TJ start talking about releasing stress by playing on the swingset.
  • TJ joins Cyrus in swinging to relieve stress.
  • They both open up to each other about having personal stuff in their lives.
  • TJ comes down and helps Cyrus swing higher by giving Cyrus an "underdog".
  • Cyrus and TJ play on the swingset for a while, showing that they're both having a good time together.
  • Before leaving, Cyrus tells TJ that he knows where to find him.

We Were Never

  • TJ and Cyrus have nicknames for each other, "Not-So-Scary Basketball Guy" and "Underdog" and seem happy to see each other.
  • Cyrus invites TJ to his bar mitzvah and TJ says he'll be there.
  • TJ asks Cyrus what he should do to get Buffy to do what he wants, and Cyrus tells him.

Cyrus' Bash-Mitzvah!

  • TJ attends Cyrus' bar mitzvah.
  • (See Trivia for deleted scene from this episode).

A Walker to Remember

  • Cyrus seems confused as to why Andi would want to use the microphones to yell at TJ.
  • Cyrus notices that TJ is in the sidelines as opposed to playing in the basketball game. He goes over to check on him. Despite TJ initially rejecting Cyrus' attempt at conversation, Cyrus follows him when he storms out, visibly upset.
  • TJ opens up to Cyrus, explaining that he's been forbidden from playing basketball because he is failing math. He mentions his worry that he might have dyscalculia. Cyrus tells him that there is nothing wrong or shameful about having a learning disability.
  • Cyrus informs TJ that his teacher cannot fail or punish TJ for having a learning disability. This realization inspires TJ to come forth about this to his teacher. TJ lets Cyrus know that even though Buffy was right about him going to his teacher about it, he says that Cyrus is the one who really helped him with his struggles.
  • TJ promises not to tell Buffy that Cyrus is the one who told him how to manipulate Buffy into doing things for him.
  • Cyrus spends the whole game time with TJ instead of cheering for Buffy. When Buffy confronts him about this, he explains that TJ looked sad and alone and had no one while Buffy had everyone cheering for her and that he felt bad for him.
  • Buffy finds out that Cyrus helped TJ get her to do his homework, and TJ looks very guilty, realizing he'd messed up, potentially jeopardizing Cyrus and Buffy's friendship, and that he'd broken his promise.
  • Cyrus is put in a tough spot when Buffy gives him an ultimatum: her or TJ.

Crime Scene: AndiShack!

  • TJ is not present in this episode, but he is the reason Buffy is avoiding Cyrus.
  • Cyrus admits that he can't promise he won't be friendly with TJ after Buffy leaves.
  • Cyrus mentions that the first time he and TJ ever really talked was at the swings when Cyrus was trying to calm himself down.
  • Buffy expresses that TJ is the last person she ever thought Cyrus would be friends with and Cyrus agrees.
  • Cyrus says it's TJ who wants to be friends and that he doesn't know why TJ wants to be friends with him, to which Buffy responds "I know why".

Buffy in a Bottle

  • TJ wants to sit with Cyrus at the Spoon and asks Cyrus and Andi if he can join. Cyrus is willing to let TJ sit, but Andi doesn't trust him, so TJ apologizes to time capsule Buffy.
  • Cyrus opens up about his list of easy things he can't do, including somersaults. TJ offers to teach Cyrus how to do a somersault.
  • When TJ announces he has to go to work, Cyrus looks nervous because he wouldn't have anybody to talk to. He is relieved when TJ asks Cyrus if he wants to go with him and says yes.
  • TJ and Cyrus walk down the street together. Cyrus seems worried about going to a gym (where TJ works) but TJ promises him he'll like this gym only for Cyrus to realize it's a children's gym.
  • TJ spends what seems like an afternoon helping Cyrus learn to do a somersault, encouraging and supporting him and getting the children to cheer Cyrus on.
  • TJ and Cyrus chest bump.

The Cake That Takes the Cake

  • Cyrus tells Buffy that he thought it was cute when TJ was showing off the C grade on his math test to his classmates, comparing his excitement to that of a puppy.
  • Cyrus and TJ work together to ambush Buffy into playing a basketball match with TJ. When Buffy discovers them, Cyrus looks at TJ and suggests that they should have rehearsed.
  • Cyrus watches and keeps track of Buffy and TJ's game, staring at TJ quite a bit.
  • TJ rolls his eyes when Buffy and Cyrus hug.
  • TJ raps his apology, and despite it not being for him, Cyrus is very impressed by it.
  • TJ looks back in a way that mirrors Cyrus looking back at Jonah at the end of Season 1.
  • Cyrus says, "You think your confused? Take a walk through my head," possibly hinting that he is confused with his feelings for TJ.

Season 3

Hole in the Wall

  • TJ and Cyrus form a bet: TJ thinks he can get Buffy to admit she's nervous about girls basketball tryouts and Cyrus thinks otherwise; the loser owes the winner a muffin of his choice.
  • Cyrus loses, and TJ picks a blueberry macadamia muffin (Andi's Texts from after the episode reveal that Cyrus baked the muffin himself).
  • TJ puts his hand on Cyrus' shoulder as they walk to the bleachers.
  • TJ and Cyrus sit close together on the bleachers and watch Buffy conduct tryouts for the girls' basketball team.

Cookie Monster

  • TJ waits by the entrance of school to invite Cyrus to hang with him and his friends. The two are smiley as they talk.
  • Cyrus asks if TJ's friends know he exists, to which TJ admits he talks about Cyrus to his friends. Cyrus is flattered.
  • TJ taps Cyrus on the chest as they part ways and Cyrus looks after him before calling his mom to tell her about it.
  • Reed confirms that TJ does talk to him and Lester about Cyrus by saying TJ was right about Cyrus being funny.
  • TJ teaches Cyrus how to ride a dirt bike. Cyrus places his hand on TJ's as TJ is explaining where all the controls are.
  • While Cyrus is riding the motor bike, TJ cheers him on and takes photos. Reed starts laughing and TJ tells him to stop (one of two reasons: 1. He was laughing at Cyrus for not being good at riding the bike or 2. He was laughing at TJ because he likes Cyrus and was cheering him on).
  • After learning that TJ's friends have a gun, Cyrus is scared for TJ's safety. He asks TJ to leave with him.
  • TJ avoids eye contact with Cyrus and turns to look at him as he leaves.
  • Cyrus goes to turn in the gun and worries that TJ will hate him for it.
  • When the principal and officer already know about the gun, Cyrus is worried that something bad could have happened to TJ.
  • (Andi's Texts from after this episode reveal that Cyrus is trying to catch TJ at school to talk the situation out.)

The New Girls

  • TJ is trying to get a hold of Cyrus, and Cyrus wants to hear him out. Buffy and Andi make Cyrus block TJ's number.
  • Cyrus notices TJ sitting in the cafeteria all alone, and tells Andi and Buffy that he'll do a "quick walk-by" to make sure TJ is okay. TJ looks hopeful as he spots Cyrus, but Buffy and Andi hold Cyrus back.
  • TJ finds Cyrus at the swings and admits he's been stopping by to see if he could catch Cyrus without his "bodyguards."
  • TJ tells Cyrus he didn't know Reed would bring a gun and that he wouldn't have brought Cyrus if he'd known. He also worries that Cyrus hates him now and says, "Classic TJ - anything good, I've gotta ruin it," basically saying that their relationship was something good.
  • Cyrus calls TJ out on not properly apologizing. When TJ still doesn't, it escalates into a back and forth until TJ tells Cyrus: "You're the only person I can talk to like this."
  • TJ asks if he can stay at the swings with him and Cyrus shrugs, smiling. They both start swinging.
  • They sit together by the lake and talk about what happened with the situation. TJ says he reported the gun, and Cyrus looks delighted that he did the right thing. They fall into a comfortable silence.

I Got Your Number

  • TJ arrives at Cyrus' house as Cyrus is beating Jonah at ping-pong, and TJ congratulates him for it. He offers to play Cyrus next, but Jonah abruptly leaves as he dislikes TJ.
  • Cyrus asks what TJ did to Jonah, but TJ has no clue.
  • Cyrus brings TJ and Jonah together to talk about TJ stealing Jonah's tee. Cyrus shows the two of them a photo from the time, which reveals that TJ did take Jonah's tee, but due to TJ's dyscalculia making him see the numbers wrong.
  • TJ looks at Cyrus and giggles when Cyrus reveals he has a fear of flamingos.

One in a Minyan

  • Just as the Good Hair Crew are discussing Cyrus' former crush on Jonah at his Bubbe Rose's shive, TJ arrives with knotted challah bread.
  • Cyrus is happy that TJ came, to which TJ responds, "Of course I came."
  • Buffy and Andi look at each other knowingly this happens, with TJ and Cyrus smiling at each other softly.
  • (Andi's Texts after this episode reveals that Buffy and Andi have started to notice the TJ is really nice to Cyrus)

Mount Rushmore or Less

  • Cyrus goes to hangout with TJ after TJ's basketball game.
  • TJ and Cyrus hug, and TJ calls Cyrus "my man" and Cyrus says "Teej, looking good."
  • TJ puts his arm around Cyrus' shoulders as they walk away.
  • Kira seems to suspect something going on between TJ and Cyrus.
  • TJ asks Cyrus to wear matching costumes with him.
  • They agree to go as "summer" and "salt", referring to the time TJ helped Cyrus learn how to do somersault in the gym in Buffy in a Bottle. They are both excited by this prospect.
  • Cyrus chooses TJ's costume idea over Andi's Mount Rushmore group costume. Cyrus tells Buffy that somersaults are "our thing" and she says she understands.
  • TJ is excited for the somersault costume, smiling as he says it's his and Cyrus' "inside joke", until Kira implies that there's something wrong with wanting to match costumes with Cyrus instead of her, making him scared and insecure. Since TJ and Kira have only known each other for a very short time, it's implied that she's noticed TJ's crush on Cyrus and is taking a dig at him for wanting to do a duo costume with a boy instead of a girl.
  • When TJ shows up on Costume Day in costume with Kira instead of Cyrus, TJ appears devastated that he let Cyrus down and says sorry twice, that it was a last minute decision, before Kira drags him away from a brokenhearted Cyrus.
  • When Cyrus, almost in tears, rejoins Mount Rushmore, he chooses to be Thomas Jefferson, whose initials are TJ.

Unloading Zone

  • Cyrus and Buffy watch TJ and Kira play basketball. When Buffy asks if TJ and Kira are together, Cyrus admits he doesn't know because he and TJ haven't been spending as much time together. Cyrus seems upset but tries to be happy for TJ; Buffy assures him TJ will realize Kira is not a nice person.
  • TJ approaches Cyrus later and asks if he's been avoiding him, to which Cyrus says he hasn't, just that TJ has been "otherwise occupied". Cyrus tells TJ he's happy for him and although it doesn't convince Cyrus, TJ clarifies that he and Kira are not a couple. TJ invites Cyrus to hang out with him and Kira but Cyrus is hesitant because of Buffy and Kira's dispute. Kira interrupts them and glares at Cyrus, reluctantly agreeing to TJ's invite, but Cyrus is uncomfortable and leaves.
  • The giveaway of Mint Chip is going smoothly when Cyrus picks out a shirt for TJ. He is conflicted about it as he isn't sure if TJ will want a shirt from him and he wants to impress him, but Buffy convinces him that it's worth trying as it might mean something to TJ and even if it doesn't, it's still a nice gesture. Buffy says the shirt will go with TJ's eyes and Cyrus agrees. TJ texts a thumbs up in approval of the shirt. Cyrus tells him to come pick it up; TJ tells him he's at the park, prompting him to go meet him with Buffy's encouragement.
  • When Kira asks TJ to swing with her, he hesitates before getting on.
  • However, as Cyrus arrives at the playground, he spots TJ and Kira on the swings. He slumps against a tree in heartbreak before leaving.
  • He ends up giving the shirt to Jonah who he says also has nice eyes TOO. This implies that he thinks T.J. has nice eyes.

Something to Talk A-Boot

  • Buffy tells Cyrus about TJ helping her and remarks on how much he's changed. Cyrus takes credit for seeing the good in TJ and giving him the chance to redeem himself first.
  • TJ tells Cyrus that he's being sent to student court for stealing the golf cart to give Buffy a ride.
  • Cyrus decides to become TJ's lawyer when he goes to court and goes to get ready, leaving a baffled TJ.
  • Cyrus spends copious amounts of time defending TJ's case and stating that he is a good person who was only trying to help.
  • TJ and Cyrus sit next together at Buffy's basketball game.
  • Back at student court, when TJ is found guilty, Cyrus wants to keep fighting for TJ. When TJ tells him to let it go, Cyrus exclaims "I'll never stop [fighting]".
  • When TJ's punishment turns out to be a lunchtime detention, TJ and Cyrus put their arms on each other's shoulders. TJ asks if Cyrus will visit him while he's "on the inside". Cyrus promises to bake him a cake with a hall pass in it.
  • TJ and Cyrus hug as student court breaks up.
  • TJ steals a golf cart again, this time to have fun with and impress Cyrus.
  • TJ invites Cyrus for a ride, instigating a flirty exchange. Cyrus notes that TJ hasn't learned his lesson, to which TJ says he lives on the edge. Cyrus responds by saying he lives in the middle; TJ says "Cool, I'll drive you there."
  • Cyrus asks what happens if they get caught; TJ says they both know. Cyrus gets in anyway, deciding it's worth skipping lunch over.
  • TJ smiles at Cyrus sweetly as he gets in the cart. They take off and have fun driving around on school grounds with a "PRIDE" sign in the background.

We Were Here

Tyrus holding hands

TJ and Cyrus holding hands

  • Cyrus and Buffy bond over seeing their crushes at the party at the Mack house. Buffy nudges Cyrus knowingly when TJ arrives.
  • Buffy calls out to TJ, who smiles and waves when he sees her and Cyrus. Cyrus smiles and waves back.
  • Cyrus' face falls when he sees Kira is at the party too. Buffy assures Cyrus TJ doesn't like Kira, but Cyrus is unconvinced when he sees TJ put an arm around Kira. Buffy comforts Cyrus, who says he was probably just deluding himself (into thinking TJ could like him).
  • TJ and Kira see Cyrus dancing. Kira laughs at him and TJ smiles. TJ then defends Cyrus, bothered Kira would make fun of someone like that. When Kira accuses him of finding it funny too, TJ clarifies that he found it fun (though the look on his face suggested he thought it was cute) and that there's a difference. Kira interprets this as TJ picking Cyrus over her, and she gives TJ an ultimatum, which Cyrus has never done. It's clear TJ picks Cyrus; Kira takes this as his answer and leaves.
  • TJ and Cyrus sing "Born This Way" together. They smile at each other as the song begins, have a duet, share a mic, and put their arms around each other.
  • TJ and Cyrus have a private conversation on a bench.
  • TJ tells Cyrus his real name is Thelonious Jagger under the condition he tells no one else, making Cyrus the first person outside the Kippen family to know TJ's full name. Cyrus says he loves that name.
  • TJ nervously reaches for Cyrus' hand, tentatively touching it as he asks if there's anything else he wants to know.
  • Cyrus and TJ ask if there is anything the other wants to tell them, and they both answer yes.
  • Cyrus' yes gives TJ the confidence to finally hold Cyrus' hand. They interlock fingers and exchange sighs of relief and soft smiles as they acknowledge their feelings for each other.
  • Later, Cyrus tells his friends the party was "life-changing".


  • Cyrus is humble, nice and sweet to everyone while TJ used to be mean to most people, except Cyrus.
  • TJ is athletic, but Cyrus is not sporty at all.
  • Cyrus is Buffy's best friend and TJ was her former nemesis.
  • Cyrus makes TJ a better person and can see the good in him and TJ encourages Cyrus out of his comfort zone and they both want the other to believe in himself.
  • Cyrus' plot to discover his sexuality revolves around self acceptance. TJ seems to be more about outside acceptance and dealing with internal homophobia.



  • Tyrus is the first gay romance on Disney Channel (both between two male characters and involving a main character).
  • Joshua Rush revealed that there was a deleted scene in Cyrus' Bash-Mitzvah! in which TJ helps Cyrus open a bottle of sparkling apple cider by twisting it enough so that Cyrus can open it himself and get all the attention and credit for it.
  • TJ looked back at Cyrus in The Cake That Takes the Cake which, according to Amber (and as used as symbolism in the show), indicates that he likes Cyrus.
  • A parallel between Tyrus and Jyrus, is Home Away From Home and Mount Rushmore or Less, where Cyrus gets ditched from Jonah (home away from home) and TJ, (Mount Rushmore or Less)
  • On February 8, 2019, Disney revealed through Andi's Texts on DisneyNow that Andi and Buffy have noticed that TJ likes Cyrus.
  • Cyrus looked back at TJ twice in Unloading Zone, indicating he likes TJ.
  • Cyrus and TJ held hands in We Were Here after they both admitted that there was something they'd like to tell each other.
  • Cyrus tells Iris in Friends Like These, TJ's first episode, that he loves holding hands. TJ and Cyrus' first romantic gesture is a hand hold.
  • Both Joshua Rush and Luke Mullen confirmed that Tyrus is canon and that they are boyfriends.
  • Luke Mullen confirmed that TJ, like Cyrus, is gay.


  • Muffins
  • Swings
  • Somersaults
  • Benches


Hey, don't tell him [Cyrus] what he can't do.

Hey, he's with me.

— TJ defending Cyrus, There's a Mack in the Shack

TJ  : Chocolate-chocolate chip muffin, right?
Cyrus  : Scary-basketball-guy.
TJ  : Actually, TJ.
Cyrus  : I know...Cyrus.
— "Miniature Gulf"
TJ  : This does kinda make me feel better.
Cyrus  : What do you need to feel better about? You're the captain of the basketball team.
TJ  : You don't know me. I've got stuff.
Cyrus  : Bet you I've got more stuff.
— "Miniature Gulf"

Thanks for reminding me about swinging. That helped.

— TJ to Cyrus, Miniature Gulf

You know where to find me, and so do you.

— Cyrus to TJ, Miniature Gulf

Cyrus  : Hey, not-so-scary-basketball-guy!
TJ  : Hey! Underdog!
— "We Were Never"

There is nothing wrong with you.

— Cyrus to TJ, A Walker to Remember

[Buffy] may have been right, but you're the one who really helped me.

— TJ to Cyrus, A Walker to Remember

Cyrus  : I went down to the swings to calm down- that's where you found me.
Buffy  : With TJ.
Cyrus  : Yeah. That was the first time we ever really talked.
Buffy  : He's the last person I ever thought you'd be friends with.
Cyrus  : I know. Weird, right? But y'know what's weirder? He wants to be friends with me. Who knows why.
Buffy  : I know why.
— "Crime Scene: AndiShack!"

[TJ is] a completely different should've seen him, it was so cute! He was running around showing everyone, he was like a little puppy who passed a math test.

TJ  : Wanna hang out?
Cyrus  : With you?
TJ  : And my friends.
Cyrus  : Do they even know I exist?
TJ  : Yeah, they know. I talk about you.
Cyrus  : Behind my back?
TJ  : Well, you're not there so...yeah. Are you mad?
Cyrus  : Are you kidding? I'm flattered.
— "Cookie Monster"
Cyrus  : How'd you know I'd be here [at the swings]?
TJ  : I've been...stopping by. Trying to see if I could catch you without your bodyguards.
— "The New Girls"

I didn't know Reed was gonna bring a gun. I wouldn't have gone and I definitely wouldn't have brought you. And now you hate me. Classic TJ, anything good, I gotta ruin it.

— TJ to Cyrus, The New Girls

TJ  : You can be a little annoying, you know that?
Cyrus  : Well, you can be oblivious.
TJ  : Well, you can be very judgy.
Cyrus  : Well, you can be intimidating.
TJ  : You know what else you are?
Cyrus  : What?
TJ  : The only person I can talk to like this.
— "The New Girls"
Buffy  : You think you'll ever tell him [Jonah] how you felt about him?
Cyrus  : No, never...
Andi  : Is that TJ?
Cyrus  : You came.
TJ  : Of course, I came... And I brought a challah.
Cyrus  : You shouldn't chave.
— "One in a Minyan"
Buffy  : Remember when TJ was making my life miserable?
Andi  : I do!
Buffy  : My aunt told me he was just being mean to me bc he liked me 🤢
Andi  : Really?! That makes no sense
Buffy  : I know. I was like, well if true, that's a really dumb approach!
Andi  : Seriously
Buffy  : Anywhoo, I think she was completely wrong because I've noticed something...He's really nice to Cyrus. Know what I mean?
Andi  : I do :)
Buffy  : Hmmm...
Andi  : Hmmm indeed...
Buffy  : 🙂🙂🙂
— "Andi's Texts"
TJ  : Cyrus, my man.
Cyrus  : Teej, looking good.
— "Mount Rushmore or Less"
Cyrus  : TJ has a great idea [for a costume]. Somersault. It's our thing. You understand, right?
Buffy  : I do.
— "Mount Rushmore or Less"
TJ  : Will you visit me while I'm on the inside?
Cyrus  : I'll bake you a cake with a hall pass in it.
— "Something to Talk A-Boot"
TJ  : I live on the edge.
Cyrus  : Well, I live in the middle.
TJ  : Cool. I'll drive you there.
— "Something to Talk A-Boot"
TJ:  : Is there anything else you want to know?
Cyrus:  : Is there anything else you want to tell me?
TJ:  : Yeah. Is there anything you want to tell me?
Cyrus:  : Yes.
— "We Were Here"


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