What is your favorite episode
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Wondering how many episodes from each season are missing from Disney+ and how much they'll cost on YouTube? Well, here it is!
Season 1: 10
Season 2: 13
Season 3: 3
Total cost on YouTube: $77.74
(Individually per season):
Season 1: $29.90
Season 2: $38.87
Season 3: $8.97
Just Updated
It's been six years since Andi Mack premiered
why does it say that buffy's full name is elizabeth on her page? was that ever confirmed?
What if this happened: Andi Mack is revived, and Andi is now older and works with kids, and she reunites with Jonah Beck, and eventually they start dating again and it all leads up to the Alter.
Hey Andi Mack community. I was just wondering if there’s anyone left still lurking around or if you all moved to Tumblr or something or just lost interest in the show. Because it’s been a while since anyone’s posted here and the social activity is pretty much non-existent now, unfortunately. And I feel a bit weird about posting comments here by myself lol, so I thought I’d just ask and see if anyone else was left besides me.
16 Votes in Poll
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What is your favorite character from Andi Mack
15 Votes in Poll
So when Andi Mack first came out, I wasn't very interested, I watched it when it came on T.V, but that was about it. Recently, though, I've been wanting to watch it, but I don't know where I can. So where can I watch all episodes of the show for free? If there is a place I can watch it.
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38 Votes in Poll
I ship andi and jonah they would be so
Cute together
I love Muffy SOOOOO much and like aakdkahahajhka
I wish we got to see more of their relationship
So having just found out about Andi Mack in the last couple of months of 2020, and watching a few clips online, I decided to actually give the series ago. Boy was it worth it. This is one of the most enjoyable series I have watched in my lifetime. In fact, I enjoyed watching it so much that I had to limit the number of episodes I did a day!
I post this having just watched the series finale, and know that it will stay in my heart forever. I may be late to the fandom, but I hope you have room for one more, because this might just be the best series I have ever watched.
I don't know how to make this make sense, but are there any songs that you think fit one or more of the characters' lives, either throughout the show or at a specific moment? If so let me know in a comment. :)